SCSC LogoSPD Control Systems Corporation Newsletter


February 2008


The Systems Behind the Glass®




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 The Systems Behind the Glass®


"Imagine the day when a fifty story mid-rise will change its glass "skin" façade as the day progresses, taking into account the landlord's operational requirements, tenant customization, the temperature outdoors, and the amount of sunlight hitting each window - Welcome to the world of windows controlled by SCSC."

Jay Moskowitz Founder







"SCSC is a proud Research Frontier (RFI) licensee for SPD electronics.  Our mission is to be THE electronics' partner for our fellow licensees."  

John Petraglia





 Changing the way you view windows©

Engineering Developments


There are two major engineering developments we recently initiated that are discussed in this Newsletter.


  • 8-window automotive SPD controller development


SPD Control Systems Corporation's (SCSC) only products are controllers and control systems to operate any and all SPD products. We are dedicated to becoming the vendor of choice for any size implementation of SPD Smart Glass.  The two developments discussed in this letter are very important milestones toward reaching our goal.


 8-Window Automotive

SPD Controller  


SPD Control Systems Corporation is currently developing an 8-window automotive controller.  This controller is the first controller in our microprocessor-based SPD controller family.   


The 8-window automotive controller is based on a core controller design, referred to as our baseline controller. The baseline controller is the foundation of our controller product family.

Family Tree

The baseline design allows our engineering team to quickly respond to automotive and architectural customer requirements for different controller configurations. From the baseline design we can support:


·         Various inter-controller communication mechanisms to support any scale of SPD implementation

Ø  CAN bus, LIN bus, Wireless or LAN based  communications

·         Any number of windows

·         Any size windows or combination of sizes

·         Any type of switches to manually control windows

·         DC or AC power sources


8-Window Automotive Controller. The first controller, derived from the baseline design, is an 8-window prototype automotive controller.  In parallel we are developing our 8-window architectural controller as described in the next section. The 1-window automotive OEM controller will be our third development. The single window automotive OEM controllers may be collocated with SPD windows and communicate over automotive busses for coordinated operations.


RoadRunner Automotive Controller Brochure


NYSERDA Contract for the Development of SCSC's

Architectural Control System


SPD Control Systems Corporation will receive a $580,000 matching funds contract from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for the development and demonstration of a state-of-the-art, patent pending control system for architectural glazing products that use suspended particle device (SPD-SmartÔ) light-control film technology. 


SCSC's Wireless Building Control System includes:



The SPD Master Building Control System will also have an interface to other building control systems for the coordinated control of HVAC, lighting, and other building services.


The NYSERDA contract enables SCSC to build upon its control systems developed for SPD-Smart automotive smart windows, to accelerate the development of its control systems for SPD architectural glazings, to verify the operation of the wireless mesh network in a building environment, and to test advanced algorithms capable of dynamically changing window tinting throughout the year based upon the location of the sun, given a buildings geographic location, time of day and day of year, combined along with sensor data input.


 "We are extremely excited to receive this contract from NYSERDA," said Jay Moskowitz, Chairman and Founder of SPD Control Systems Corporation. "According to the United States Department of Energy, buildings in the United States use nearly forty percent of the nation's energy. Our Wireless Building Control System is a significant advancement in sustainability because it helps optimize the daylighting and energy savings benefits offered by SPD architectural glazings.  With such extensive consumption of energy in buildings both domestically and abroad, we expect our control system, and the SPD glazings with which it is integrated, to be a major component of the world's most energy efficient buildings. Studies have shown that as much as 20% of a buildings energy consumption could be saved by employing these products." 


Press Release


 SPD-Smart™ and SPD-SmartGlass™ and VaryFast™  are trademarks of Research Frontiers Incorporated.


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